Natural Deduction

Base Classes

The Derivation and NaturalDeductionStep classes are shared with the propositional ND module.

class logics.classes.predicate.proof_theories.PredicateNaturalDeductionRule(rule, arbitrary_cts=None)

The differences between this class and the propositional one stem only from the rules requiring that a given constant is arbitrary up to that point in the derivation


>>> from logics.classes.predicate import PredicateFormula as Formula
>>> from logics.classes.predicate.proof_theories.natural_deduction import NaturalDeductionStep, PredicateNaturalDeductionRule
>>> univ_intro = PredicateNaturalDeductionRule([
...     '(...)',
...     NaturalDeductionStep(Formula(['[α/χ]A']), open_suppositions=[]),
...     '(...)',
...     NaturalDeductionStep(Formula(['∀', 'x', ['A']]), 'I∀', [0], open_suppositions=[])
... ], arbitrary_cts=['α'])
>>> univ_intro.arbitrary_cts
>>> # The rest works the same than in the propositional case
>>> univ_intro.premises
>>> univ_intro.index(NaturalDeductionStep(Formula(['∀', 'x', ['A']]), open_suppositions=[]))

Natural Deduction System

class logics.classes.predicate.proof_theories.PredicateNaturalDeductionSystem(language, rules)

The differences between this class and the propositional one stem from rules with arbitrary constants and rules with formulae of the form [α/χ]A. The user interface is the same, though.


>>> from logics.utils.parsers.predicate_parser import classical_predicate_parser as parser
>>> from logics.instances.predicate.natural_deduction import predicate_classical_natural_deduction_system as nd_system
>>> deriv = parser.parse_derivation('''
...     ∃x R(x, a); premise; []; []
...     ∃y ∃x R(x, y); I∃; [0]; []
... ''', natural_deduction=True)
>>> nd_system.is_correct_application(deriv, 1, nd_system.rules['I∃'])
>>> deriv = parser.parse_derivation('''
...     P(a); premise; []; []
...     ∀x P(x); I∀; [0]; []
... ''', natural_deduction=True)
>>> rule = nd_system.substitute_rule(deriv, 1, nd_system.rules['I∀'])  # to get a specific instance of the rule
>>> is_correct, error = nd_system.check_arbitrary_constants(deriv, 1, rule)
>>> is_correct
>>> error
"Constant 'a' is not arbitrary"
>>> deriv = parser.parse_derivation('''
...     ∃x R(x, x); premise; []; []
...     R(a, a); supposition; []; [1]
...     ∃y R(y, y); I∃; [1]; [1]
...     R(a, a) → ∃y R(y, y); I→; [1,2]; []
...     ∃y R(y, y); E∃; [0, 3]; []
... ''', natural_deduction=True)
>>> nd_system.is_correct_derivation(deriv)


The class is hardcoded to work with the usual quantifier rules. If you want to give it different ones, you may need to adjust the code



Has same rules as the propositional system 1, plus the following rules:

    'E∀': PredicateNaturalDeductionRule([
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['∀', 'χ', ['A']]), open_suppositions=[]),
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['[α/χ]A']), 'E∀', [0], open_suppositions=[])

    'I∀': PredicateNaturalDeductionRule([
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['[α/χ]A']), open_suppositions=[]),
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['∀', 'χ', ['A']]), 'I∀', [0], open_suppositions=[])
    ], arbitrary_cts=['α']),

    'I∃': PredicateNaturalDeductionRule([
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['[α/χ]A']), open_suppositions=[]),
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['∃', 'χ', ['A']]), 'I∃', [0], open_suppositions=[])

    'E∃': PredicateNaturalDeductionRule([
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['∃', 'χ', ['A']]), open_suppositions=[]),
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['→', ['[α/χ]A'], ['B']]), open_suppositions=[]),
        NaturalDeductionStep(PredicateFormula(['B']), 'E∃', [0, 1], open_suppositions=[]),
    ], arbitrary_cts=['α']),

Natural Deduction Solver

class logics.utils.solvers.first_order_natural_deduction.FirstOrderNaturalDeductionSolver(language, simplification_rules, derived_rules_derivations, heuristics)

First-order natural deduction solver. Has the same user interface than the propositional one.


>>> from logics.utils.parsers.predicate_parser import classical_predicate_parser as parser
>>> from logics.utils.solvers.first_order_natural_deduction import first_order_natural_deduction_solver as solver
>>> deriv = solver.solve(parser.parse('~∃x (P(x)) / ∀x (~P(x))'))
>>> deriv.print_derivation(parser)
0. ~∃x (P(x)); premise; []
|  1. P(a); supposition; []
|  2. ∃x (P(x)); I∃; [1]
|  3. ⊥; E~; [0, 2]
4. ~P(a); I~; [1, 3]
5. ∀x (~P(x)); I∀; [4]



A solver for the natural deduction system presented above.